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It may be common sense to think that emails are a valuable tool for your company's overall marketing strategy. But, email marketing is a direct channel to reach your various exisiting and future clients. For example, in my position as Head of Social Media Engagement at a local print shop, I was in charge of the monthly e-newsletter that was sent to our cutomers.

In the newsletter I included elements such as:

-Company news

-Business speicals/sales

-A creative demonstration of a potential product use

-Information about our products & offerings

-Links to corresponding pages on our site, or to social media platforms

With the e-newsletter platform I was able to analyze the amounts of "opens," "link-clicks," newsletter subscription sign ups and most importantly the maount of "unsubscribers" per month.

In order to do this well (track sign ups, etc), a sign up form is imperative for you r website. For a solid example, check out the form I created for my copany a few years ago:

Also, like always your content must be engaging, personal, and informative in order to make conversions easier and more likely.

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