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SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” It's the process of getting traffic from organic (not paid) search results on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Search engines are constantly crawling websites in order to build their indexes so that they can provide people with the most relevant search results, or with the highest rank. Search results on the first page will be your most copmatabile with you search quary.

So how can you do this?

Like I mentioned in my previous blog post, CDM-Content, "Content is king." If your company can finance having a professional copy writier I would highly reccomend it! Having solid content will drive your rank and organic traffic rates sky high. Also using page titles (short descriptive and informative titles), meta tags (short pieces of text that desribe your site's content), keywords (obvisously relating to how you want you website found), etc.

This infographic below from The website marketing group will give you a layout of what you should be doing:

As always if you want to learn more I suggest checking out UMD's College of business website to learn how you can get your degree in Digital Marketing.

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