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CDM- Content


Such a simple concept, if you have good content on your website then you will be better off, to quote my Digital Marketing professor "Content is King."

Here is why it is so important for your business:

  • Content Markeitng is a form of word-of-mouth marketing that engages your audience and builds a level of trust based on your expertise of a subject.

  • Content Marketing can convert 30% more organic traffic of high value sales leads, this allows you to cater specifically to target a specific audience.

  • It allows your audience to go through and selcet what tey value the most from your information, which could lead to potential conversion.

  • In this heavily social era, having good shareable content can drive your SEO. Various shares via platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. can have a huge impact on your sites' traffic.

  • It can seperate you from others in your field. Having strong content will allow you to emerge as a brand leader.

Take a look at the graph below that shows the impact that conent marketing has over other various forms.

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